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kristmas krazers

people who are absolutely crazy about Christmas shopping. and can cause physical harm to others in the process. Damage usually caused with cars and shopping carts.

'Dude, that guy at Walmart totally got killed by those stupid kristmas krazers!"

by Nicholas Rhodes November 30, 2008


•A Krazer is a loyal motherfucker who is most likely a guy and likes to fuck around.

•A Krazer is fearless and likes to hangout
•A Krazer will be your one and only if you give them a chance.

•A Krazer can be mean and be rude but that’s how they show their love or they just don’t fuck with you.

Person 1: Look at that Krazer he’s so cool. I wish I could be his friend.

Person 2: Yeah he’s so badass I wish I could be like him

Girl 1: Woah that Krazer is fine as fuck. I wish he would be mine
Girl 2: Back off he’s my man
Girl 1: Y’all aren’t even dating
Girl 2: I know, but you can’t have him

by 999666$$$ May 16, 2022