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LTC or Lubiens Theater Cult is a small theater group, or cult where all participants join in wishes of being in the school play. Sadly they join without realizing that it is a life sentence and once you join you cant leave. You purely exist to obey Mr. Lubiens and to please Mr. Lubiens with your backstage or acting skills.

Person A: Man, iv'e just been so bored lately. Iv'e got nothing to do.

Person B: You should join the LTC, we need more members in backstage anyway, as long as you own black clothing you've got the position covered.

by Qualex6 November 12, 2020


Love To Cum- LTC is the only acceptable response when friends are breaking your balls about sleeping with a 5 or lower. LTC defends any and all ball busting that may come of fucking a grenade. LTC is not to be used as an ashamed response but as a non chalant, and in some cases a proud, answer. Some people just love to cum and that's all there is to it.

Friend: dude, how can you do that? How do you fuck that fat snaggle tooth and still have any self respect?
You: hey man, I just LTC. Its the only thing I have to live for. Fuck it, I LTC.

by Jmuney October 29, 2010

30๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


Acronymn of Lick The Clit.

Quick Matt, dive down there, wet your lips and LTC!

by Yuppie November 10, 2004

27๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


LTC stands for Lick The Clit

It represents any sort of adjective, noun, verb involving the stimulation of the female genitals using the tongue or lips.

Hey boy, skip that fingerin, gimme some LTC
Hey boy, you betta LTC
I love it when you LTC
OOO dang, you the masta of LTC

by Lovesthepussay May 26, 2009

23๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


Loves the cock.

TCLTC. Tom Cruise loves the cock.

GBLTC. George Bush loves the cock.

YLTC. You love the cock.

by Professor Milo February 1, 2009

24๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


LTC abv.
long term cunt(noun): That crazy fucking bitch who left you after 3 or more years. Why are women so crazy?

rubbercow : when i dumped my last longterm cunt (LTC), i gave her everything, and paid for her first 3 months in her new apartment

by criticalmassage April 21, 2006

15๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


Lick that crack!

Silvia: are u down to LTC?
Edgardo: huh?
Silvia: lick that crack ho!!
Edgardo: I'll make that my dinner!

by MLcoolE June 7, 2012

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