Source Code


Love. See <3.

I lav j00 <3

by GG Crono 4 March 4, 2004

148๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž


Most lovely most sweetest most kindest person in the planet. Holds a very special place in my heart and whom I will love forever, or until our own forever is over. I love you dearly.

Omggg is that lav??? lav and elle are so happy and cute together i really hope everything goes well in their own lives. I also hope they can get a minimum of 3 cats and live in a nice apartment together one day.

by iheartumore November 17, 2021

13๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


to lather yourself in poop or shampoo, or bubbles.

when i went to my backyard i laved myself in my doggies poop.
when i went to the salon they laved my hair with shampoo.

by caflasknic April 23, 2010

14๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž


the most mother fuking dance anyone will go to 4 teens

the aim to hook up get fingered or give a quick handjob

lottie and brad hooked up at the lav disco

by Handjob giver Xx April 4, 2009

16๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž

lav lav

Lav lav
Lav = love, where you repeat it twice to double its impact.
Lav lav is simply the person that you resonate with love and happiness. The one that brings you a sunflower on your birthday apart from the traditional cakes and goodies. The one that makes you feel like you're in a field of sunflowers with the sun setting in front of you with just their presence. The one that you resonate with the moon; who, similar to the celestial body up in space, guides you when you're lost on a dark path with its comforting, soft bright light. The one that provides you comfort with its gentle and warm beam falling into your palms. The one with whom you stay up all night talking to without a care in the world, because that's how madly you love them. The one you cry for and be up all night thinking about them because you're so grateful to get to have them in your life.

I lav you, lav lav! ( โ— โ€ข แด— โ€ข โ— ) โœง *
lav lav is my favourite person in this entire universe <3

by lav lav bong bong forever! :3 December 2, 2022

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

lav lav

well hello darling, you gave me an actual definition

like really
"Lav lav
Lav = love, where you repeat it twice to double its impact."

gave some really beautiful words for me

huh do you think you would get away with that

well now that you've been successfully bamboozled to check the definition and finding this one

let me describe boingiie better as how i see it as than what i earlier wrote it as how a mass public would see it as

earlier i wrote all bout how others see you and what are your characteristics

but you went all ahead and wrote me with such endearing words from yourself

well it's not your fault that i don't have many people to see me


go ahead and check the definition of
boingiie, aka : saha

lav lav is someone who's a sore loser

and would do anything to defeat boingiie in the battle of love

by boingiie's biggest fan December 5, 2022


A really sexy dude who can get all the girls and is sweet and caring and funny. Your parents want you to date him. The girls want him, and the guys want to be him.

He has your mom's number in his phone as MILF.

OMG look its Lav!
Bro.. i wish i was like him, he's so sexy.

Mom, look thats the hot dude i was talking about!!
Woah. Ima put my # in his phone as MILF

by The Davee September 27, 2011

46๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž