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Magic disease that befalls anyone who have ever tortured a leprechaun. Leprechauns are not part of Christian faith. Because of this, Jesus actively fought the green tricksters by healing their victims so they would convert to Christianity

Luke 5:13-14: 13. Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. โ€œI am willing,โ€ he said. โ€œBe clean!โ€ And immediately the leprosy left him in a bright light that eventually formed a rainbow.

14. Jesus knew what needed to be done. He would followed the rainbow into the creatures den and he slew the helpless beast. In that moment he blessed his flaming sword and as it absorbed the soul of the Leprechaun .

by RageAgainstTheFishcake July 28, 2019


A disease that I seem to think everyone has. Characterized by skin lesions and necrosis, it is decease that is fairly rare, and horribly terrifying, yet funny to laugh at. For instance the suggestion that something is leprosy that isn't. For instance someone coughs, they are said to be coming down with leprosy, or if someone looks old, well, then they must have leprosy. When the leaves fall off the trees it can be attributed to leprosy, rather than the changing of the seasons.

How do you get a skeleton? Put a leper in a wind tunnel!

Look at that kid over there with a bandaide on...i bet he's got leprosy.

by cameronthered December 4, 2005

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A type of leopard in Africa or Asia that will attack and kill you on sight within one millisecond.

1: "Man I haven't seen Joe in a while. How's he doing?"
2: "Didn't you hear? He went to India a couple years back and encountered a leprosy."
1: "Shit...So he's gone huh?"

by Jimmy Jesus Bear August 23, 2017

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leprosy bread

When you burn bread to the point where it has somehow contracted leprosy.

Enjoy your future leprosy breads!

by leprosycooker86753o9 June 14, 2018

cyber leprosy

a condition you have when your friends do not return your emails, instant messages, or texts.

I have sent a dozen emails to my best friend and she won't respond. I think I have cyber leprosy.

by Lady Cupcake June 15, 2009

urban leprosy

haphazard development of a city, making it clumsy and inelegant.

For lack of city planning, the city has turned out to be an urban leprosy.

by uttam maharjan January 3, 2012

hair leprosy

hair leprosy is similar to regular leprosy...except that instead of your limbs and skin falling off, your hair and facial hair fall out

Kid #1: Did you get a hair cut and shave last night?

Kid #2: No man, the doctor says that I developed hair leprosy.

by jchardcore68 August 26, 2007

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