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The best last namn in the world. He is so sexy and cute.

Maybe IF they are pooping. defined lindberg

by Stolpskott31 December 21, 2016


To be attracted to males.

Mike was lindberged to his friend james

by Fielding B January 29, 2009

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The David Lindberg

The act of cooking anything instant or incredibly easy, then putting a sprig of parsley on the side to make it gourmet.

Elzar on Futurama really gave the planet express people the David Lindberg when he served them cup of noodle and sparkling mineral water.

by Jayden McCross July 19, 2011

andy lindberg

A well-endowed man with godly-traits. Someone with a miraculous smile and a heart of gold. A gentleman in the streets, and a pleaser in the sheets. An amazing friend that will never let you down. Pure awesomeness.

Without any andy lindbergs in this world, we would all be doomed.

by cottoncandysnuggler June 20, 2010

evan lindberg

Really loves Angie!

Wow, that Evan Lindberg really loves Angie!

by Olaf196 October 25, 2017

Nellie lindberg

A hot and attractive female that is most likely going to marry Tucker not jake

She is a nellie lindberg

by Bellow lindberg April 29, 2019

Lindberg Double

A Lindberg Double is doubling on a 12 in blackjack; which is considered a stupid move. It is named after Justin Lindberg, who doubles twelves.

"A 12? You gotta Lindberg Double man."

by Big John26 May 22, 2017