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Lofthouse - derived from german - luft- hous; meaning high houses, or house of the holy. Remind me of Led Zeppelin too. It's my last name. Rawk On!

Mike Lofthouse is God!

by Mike Lofthouse April 13, 2004

13πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


a house which contains a loft
and within that loft there is a doll's house
which has a loft
and in that loft there is a doll's house
which has a loft
and in that loft there is a doll's house
which has a loftand in that loft there is a doll's house
which has a loftand in that loft there is a doll's house
which has a loftand in that loft there is a doll's house
which has a loftand in that loft there is a doll's house
which has a loft etc.

oh look there's the sacred lofthouse

by the ugly lover April 16, 2003

2πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

ryan lofthouse

a short guy with no middle name.

part of a band called the tyne, who have toured with new hope club

really talented and was on the voice kids
love you ryan❀️

ryan lofthouse means to be short
girl 1: how short are you?
ryan: i’m not that short :(

by cookiemonsterzoe October 12, 2019

Lofthouse Cookies

Those really good soft cookies that everyone loves but has no idea how to make.

Also known as, "Those really good sugar cookies."

Ron- Man, those lofthouse cookies mom bought were the best.

by TDIDDy12 April 3, 2016

Lofthouse Cookies

The literal best thing ever.

yo you ever see those cookies with the icing at walmart, yeah theyre called lofthouse cookies, they are so good.

by October 18, 2020