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a Loghan is a person who is all ears and you can talk to easily. Don't hurt him though because he might ret a little snippy.

uh oh. i made a loghan mad!😬

by doodlepoodle December 23, 2016

30πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


That one kid in gym class who seems like he could do the workouts if he tried but he can’t. He just can’t do them.

Person: Dude Loghan is in my PE class!
Person 2: Woah! Is he good at sports?
Person: No he’s fuckin dogshit.

by KingPyroIsTheNameOfMe April 24, 2020

14πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A very nice smart girl who loves church and is very loyal

Dude that girls a real loghan

by Allyssa voegeli January 5, 2020

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Usually found in small crevices near peoples house, the chubby loghan lurks in the deep. He will hit and want to pull anything that moves. It humps it’s food sometimes and really enjoys it he is very attracted to young woman like a 40 year old man is attracted to toddlers.

That girl is a loghan

by Ryan mcGregor January 16, 2019

9πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Loghan's are usually guys. They can be loving but little yokas at the same time. You can trust them, but they can backstab you. They are tall but they think they r strong and can be you up in a 1 second. They act like they are on their period. They love to say crap and do weird shit. They are also EXTREMELY dry and boring.

person 1 : are you feeling better?
Loghan: no, fuck off

person 1: ok , though guy

loghan : * makes sure everyone is here*
loghan : * beats you up and thinks he is cool*

by hallomiamor March 23, 2022


Loghan has the absolute biggest unit. A real dump truck if you will. It's all-natural, too. Loghan doesn't even need to do squats. Loghan is the funniest person to walk this earth. The spotlight is always on them, whether because of their humor or their phat ass. They get hella bitches everywhere they go, probably because of the genetic phenomenon they carry around with them. That phenomenon being their ass, of course. Humpty Dumpty's got nothing on Loghan.

Person 1: Wow! Who's the new student?
Person 2: I think that's Loghan!
Person 1: How can you tell?
Person 2: Their dumpy entered the room 5 seconds after they did!
Person 1: Wow. What a unit!

by September 27, 2022


A girls name form of "Logan"

Jillian: Hey Loghan want to come to my house tomorrow?
Loghan: Sure! What time?
Jillian: 3:27
Loghan: I'll be there!

by cozy_candyy April 30, 2022