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Money Grabbing Bastard

Me: Any plans tonight?
Craig: Working through the night, bed at 5am, then up for work at 7am. Overtime baby!!
Me: You fucking MGB

by Define_This_123 August 24, 2016


Machine Gun Butt: When you have the horrible shits that shoot out your ass fast and violent, like machine gun fire. Usually very wet, and very loud.

Person 1: Damn bro, what the hell just went down in that bathroom? And why are you sweating like crazy?

Person 2: MGB dude... I didn't think I was gonna make it out alive.

by godfrey19 November 20, 2013

7đź‘Ť 7đź‘Ž


“My good brother” mostly used in text form to indicate respect and reason when making your point in a (heated) debate of any kind.

Now I’ll tell you this mgb, the party was great but the drinks… ehhhhh

by SensitiveFaceWash September 29, 2022