Source Code


cantonese term for "mo suo wai", meaning that I dont mind / your choice

A: what do you want for christmas?
B: msw
A: oh ok, i'll just get you some candies.

by December 29, 2022


An abbreviation for MySpace Whore

All that Ryan does now is post blogs... he's such a msw.

by A-Web '06 April 26, 2006

26๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


is an online transmitted disease that is only common in Warren and surrounding counties of Tennessee. This parasite leaches on to your social media accounts (i.e. Facebook, Instagram) and it will communicate with you through direct messages and try to get as much information about your life and your mate that will ultimately lead to screenshots of your conversations to try to create drama in your life.

That crazy old guy that hashtags whole sentences must have gave me an MSW.

by testudinepower January 4, 2019

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


A club on stardoll.
It`s full of noobs, nubs, posers, wannabes and cool people.
Some people tend to be annoying, and invasions are quite common.

Only 20% of them actually possess a brain.
It`s usually inactive, don`t bother going there.

Stardoll User 1: "OMG, hav u lyk gnee too msw b4?"
Stardoll User 2: "Uh, yeah. It`s not that fun.."

by yourdadonstardoll June 30, 2011

13๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

MSW Club

A shit ass club on Stardoll which is full of llama-obsessed noobs. They all have bad make-up and shitty grammar.

MSW'er 1: New medoll: Hail or Fail.


Honest person: It's shit.

MSW Club

by I hate MSW July 2, 2011

8๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


cantonese texting term. means I don't mind / your choice.

A: What do you want for your gift?
B: msw
A: oh ok, i'll just get you anything then.

by Anonymous.31 December 29, 2022


cantonese term. stands for I don't mind / your choice.

A: What do you want for your gift?
B: msw
A: oh ok, i'll just get you anything then.

by December 29, 2022