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Maden (ma~den) Noun. 1. Origin French. Unique and uncommon. Also referred to as socially - awkward and crazy homosapien. Often mispronounced. Known to challenge or to be challenged. Associated with words such as games play playful madden iron maiden. 2. Origin Greek. Treasure found in Athens. Known to bring luck. Highly favoured.

1. Play with Maden rather than playing Madden NFL or listening to Iron Maiden.
2. Finding Maden brings you luck and favour.

by iarebaboon90 December 27, 2011

25👍 4👎


She is a very funny person with an exhausting family. She dyes her hair very often and has lots of piercings. When she was young she went through lots of bulling and trauma. Once she got older she learned to be more confident and now has a hard time trusting people. She doesn't have many friends and is an introvert. She has many talents but doesn't share them and stays very quiet. Nobody can pronounce her name so she typically gives up correcting people.

Randon Dude: "oh like Madden the game"

Maden: "sure, we'll go with that"

by PeterJMMforlife August 2, 2022


Someone with a heart of gold. Always putting others before herself. Tries her best to see the good in the world. Very loving, caring and giving person. She would most definitely give you the shirt off her back to make you happy. She is very quick to forgive and often forgives many times but never forgets.

"I always strive more to be like Madene"

by M.lover1990 December 20, 2016