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Ethymologically, it comes from : My homie

it means a dude, a friend , a homie

describes a person that is close to you in terms of relationship

You can call all your friends like that, boys or girls

Wassup, Mahony? My ho, my homie

by Linenghuan July 3, 2007

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when you add at least one drop of LSD on your penis and have a girl suck it off.

Hey, last night my girl sucked my Mahonis. By the time I came I was trippin' balls, man.

by soototallyarii September 21, 2011

Tits Mahony

a person who enjoys "tits" more than any other average person

Man that dawg obsessed with dem tits, call him tits mahony

by lilcity321 December 16, 2009

12๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pulling A Mahony

When transiting from point A to point B, one becomes overwhelmed with the need to urinate, and does so wherever one happens to be

"I was driving in to work this morning and ended up Pulling A Mahony half way there"

by Wolfpack Tuck September 23, 2011

balls mahony

where your randomly outburst with the craving of blue macaroni and cheese this is usual used while playing halo at midship after you stick your 69th guy (sometimes referd to as fishing)

Conner: hey andy im gonna fucking stick your ass
Andy: no youwont u fucking rookie
Conner: your right,(goes in hte bathroom and slits his wrists)
Andy: haha you dumbass
Conner goes home for 4 months practices non stop
Conner: ok im ready to play now!
Andy: dude halo is for noobs...
Conner punches andy in his face and runs down the block and quietly whispers to himself

by timmy ludens December 27, 2006

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steve o mahony

Someone who can't handle his drink

Jeez, you're some Steve O Mahony

by OldBuddyOldPal October 2, 2014

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Rory Mahony

A succession of endless shits where nothing comes out other than loud, explosive pebbles of gas and ass juice - and the occasional fetid nugget of shit.

"Oh man - this guy at work left a classic Rory Mahony in the Men's. They had to clean that bowl with a firehose."

by Rory_Mahony123 January 18, 2017