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A sweet loving person that will do anything to make you happy, she lifts you up if your having a bad day, she will always lend u a shoulder if you feel like crying, when she smiles she lights up the room. Malaya is the most beautiful person in the world, she tends to get lost in life and she needs are best friends to pull her back, she has the biggest heart, when you look at her you will fall deeply in love. She is the best most best friend you could ever want she will be there by your side through thick and thin she is simply my best friend in the entire world.

Guy: bro who is that?
Guy friend:Malaya, I know she is hot asf

Guy: facts

by 54jo July 28, 2018

107πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


The most beautiful you'll ever see. she's so sweet and nice to everyone. she always just wants to have fun. everyone sees her perfection but her though. Every guy would walk through fire to be with her and girls would kill I be her. She a great person but needs someone else to lead her in the right direction

Wow, she's beautiful

Yeah, that's malaya

by Jesse1237 November 16, 2013

286πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž


Malaya is a short but average girl Malaya is so cute hot and sexy you name it if you treat her just right then she will treat you the same but if you break her heart she will break your face if hoes talk shit to her you get hit bitch and her lovely loyal ass hot talk ass bf Ivan is sweet to her lovable gives her kisses but he hugs a lot of other girls bad mistake dude she,may be short but that ass tho is big bitches

Omg Malaya your so fucking pretty I love your hazel Brown eyes

by April 18, 2018

77πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


Always the most amazing girl you will ever meet. A very pretty scene girl that is often confused about life and what she wants out of it. Gets lost easily and needs her boyfriend to find her. Amazingly unique. Makes guys named Jules or Julian fall inlove immediatly. Always knows how to brighten your day. Loves guys that say, "Just alil bit."

"Wow. Your amazing. You must be Malaya"

by FindingNemo February 25, 2010

264πŸ‘ 81πŸ‘Ž


A beautiful girl, savage but she could be innocent sometimes. Her heart is like gold with glitter but she's a badass. She will turn on you instantly if you mess with her. She has a fat butt and big boobies, she develops faster than most girls in a good way. She makes boys fall instantly in love with her just by a smile, if they do her wrong she will get them back though. She might seem very innocent but is actually very very freaky and is good in the sheets, both girls and boys love her personality cause she is very funny n sweet. If someone is messing with her friend or bf she will beat the living hell outt the person who is messing with them, yes she does know how to fight. Her height is either average or short. Stays loyal and treat her bf with lots of respect

Malaya is probably the most amazing girl

by licklicklickthedick November 15, 2016

91πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


A girl who is often heartbroken. She’s a brunette and she’s skinny. She has a bestfriend that sticks to her like glue. Malaya is an amazing girl and has a goofy personality.

β€œyo i want to talk to that goofy girl over there!”
β€œyear her!”

by xxxoo March 31, 2018

37πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


Malaya is not just any ordinary person, she's a force of nature that swept into your life like a breath of fresh air on a scorching summer day. Every moment without her would be like an empty void in your heart, but when you have Malaya by your side, it's like the universe aligns to shower you with endless opportunities. She embodies determination, ambition, kindness – everything you could ever dream of in a partner. Heh, With her love and understanding guiding you, there won't be a single day where you question your choice to have her in your life. Malaya's unwavering support and love will never falter, even when faced with challenges or difficult decisions. Once you truly embrace the depth of her character, it's impossible not to be grateful for every step taken together on this magnificent journey. So hold onto Malaya tightly, People... because she is the missing piece that completes your glorious path with unmatched joy and fulfillment. :)

Malaya: What was it you said, skill issue? (Laughs)
Friend: Fuck you, Malaya.
Malaya: It's funny.

by FlameThrower Was Here June 20, 2023