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It's a misspelling of the Italian interjection "mamma mia!", which literally means "oh my mother!".
It is used by italians in quite tha same way as English use the expression "oh my God!", except ...Italians do NOT say "mamma mia!" when they're making love with their girlfriend!

"Hai visto quel film horror?" "Mamma mia!! Era così spaventoso!" (= "Have you seen that horror movie?" "Oh my God!! It was so frightening!")

There's a musical called "mamamia": is it about Italian mafia?

by an_italian2 August 31, 2011

131👍 21👎


An exclamation of surprise, often uttered by those of Italian ethnicity.

Mamamia! That's-a one good pizza!

by Rodney Basil October 8, 2003

82👍 21👎


Like in godzilla mamamia

Mamamia letsa go

by Troy46930473 December 6, 2020