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Man Thing

A commonly used insult in Resident Evil. It basically means man, but it sounds more insulting.

Ethan: *st@bs Alcinas daughters and collects their c0rpses*

by a stupid duck May 6, 2022

Man Things

The act of doing manly things.

Hey did you see Roach and Relo build that shed? Hell yeah, man things!

by Beaner8675 October 5, 2011

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man thing

What a female may refer to a males genitals as

Girl 1: Last night, I was all over his man thing
Girl 2: Wow - you think he is really gagable?
Girl 1: Definitely!

by fs_abq November 18, 2009

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man thing

something tall vampire lady says when she’s made

*lady dimitrescu intensifies man thing*

by hellosisters. August 19, 2021

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The man thing

the act of unscrunching your own ball sack after sitting down for an extended period of time

-Why is your hand in your pants?
-I'm doing the man thing.

by jacoby149 May 5, 2013

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man thing

A female at the workplace who starts out as feminine, and gradually changes to masculine

Person 1: Have you noticed Jennie lately?
Person 2: Ya, she's turning into a man thing.

by Kassiegv November 17, 2009

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stupid man thing

An insult directed to the protagonist of Resident Evil Village, Ethan Winters, by Lady Alcina Dimitrescu.

Example One:

"Stupid man thing! You won't live long, even if you run!"

Example Two:

"Stupid man thing, I'm f*cking balling!"

by burnmistress May 25, 2021

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