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A Margaryta is a beautiful, intelligent, smart, kind, young hearted, spirited, sweet girl. They are one of the best people that walk this earth they will always listen to you, they always know just what to say. They are athletic, outgoing, risk-taking, creative and more. If you ever meet a Margaryta which is kind of unlikely because they are unique and it isn't a very common name give them a hug and become friends with them.

" who is that, shes so talented"
"that is Margaryta and i know she's amazing"

by Jessica C. 13003 February 18, 2018

17👍 3👎


A beautiful Polish girl with high energy. A sweet and witty girl with a little bit of a dirty mouth. This girl can do anything she puts her mind too. When she wants something she goes after it with a reckless abandon.

It is impossible to know Margaryta and not love her. Once you meet Margaryta you know she's amazing right away.

by ricvol August 1, 2022


The first thing you notice about a Margaryta is her popping fashion. She has one of the best styles you've seen. She is also very smart and athletic. She seems intimidating to talk to but actually she is quite sweet. A Margarytas commonly have trust issues therefore struggle to become close with people. However if you meet a Margaryta you should try to become friends with her because she will give you the best advice and stay loyal to you. If you break the trust of a Margaryta she will never see you as a friend again. Margarytas are very rare and if you meet one you should never leave her.

Girl1: That girl looks too intimidating to talk to me
Girl2: That's Margaryta you should approach her

by joey_tribianni February 23, 2019

5👍 1👎