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A huge store that sells cack clothes and minor furniture for brilliant prices. People often deny shopping in Matalan, though members of Goldie Lookin Chain promote it.

See also Matalan Crew

"Haha! you got that from Matalan!"
"No i never"
"Yeah you did the labels hangin out!"

by Drinkup July 6, 2005

15👍 3👎

Matalan Melt

A regular melt that wears attire from the budget shop Matalan

No you don't you bellend special branch Matalan Melt cunt

by Sameface Danny May 6, 2017

Matalan Crew

Mostly teenagers, illiterate 40 some-things and retards who cannot give you correct change. They usually waste time taking extra long breaks in the staff room and stand around talking on the shop floor, or even on the tills, about who fingered who in the stock room earlier that day.

Customer 1: They dont have this in my size
Customer 2: Ask a Matalan Crew member
Customer 1: Excuse me do you have this in a 12?

Crew Member: I'll go check

(2 seconds later)

Crew member: We dont have it
Customer 1: You didn't even check I just saw you
Crew Member: If you're going to be arsey with me I just wont help you

by POPEYE.-) July 3, 2010

10👍 6👎