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A fuck boy; will hurt you, cry for forgiveness, then fuck you over again.

Normally a very selfish person in life and in the bedroom.

McKinnon is a piece of shit.

by Bitch Boys July 7, 2019


A small town along the Frankston line. It is often described as "rape central" and there is an ominous feeling you can get stabbed at any moment while walking in the small town. Although McKinnon is a hot spot for crime it is home to some of the most wonderful girls you will ever meet.

Yeah i saw this hot as girl in McKinnon

by Aidanp66 March 20, 2011

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The Greatest helper, primarily Note Deliverer, in a school
he is friendly and works for the people

McKinnon is a code name, for the primary delivery person, most usually he is a boy

"Yo McKinnon, what's up bro!!"

McKinnon: Are they here today
Teacher: Yes/NO
McKinnon: Ok Thanks, Have a great day

by Breakfield May 24, 2019

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Kate McKinnon

Is to a younger generation of Women Loving Women what Gillian Anderson was to an older generation of WLW. She has the power to make gay/bi/queer women even gayer with a simple dimpled smile, a funny dance, a wink, or her impressions of Kellyanne Conway and Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Known for SNL and the 2016 Ghostbusters.

Guy: I like this Kate McKinnon, she's hot! I would do her!
Girl/Leslie: She gay dude. Stop it. Lol.

by Holtzm-anne November 4, 2016

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marlene mckinnon

marlene is a total sweetheart with a tough side. she grew up with alongside her four brothers, but so much for that because mr no nose kills them all, and her! we don't talk about that tho

marlene mckinnon didn't deserve such a fate.

by alizapizza January 16, 2021

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Jeremy McKinnon

The vocalist of a day to remember. He's fucking God and sings really good: Actually pretty good looking when you think about it. He is a nice person and not an asshole when most people think he is. Your lucky if you meet him but he's shy.

"OMFG did you see ADTR?!" Stupid Fan Girl

"Hey you dumb ass I sing in A Day To Remember. I'm Jeremy McKinnon."

"Who the fuck is that? Doesn't Pete Wentz sing in A Day To Remember." Stupid Fan Girl

"....................what?" Jeremy McKinnon

by Chantel Cliche November 11, 2009

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kate mckinnon

Literally my gay awakening when I saw her in Ghostbusters at age 11.

(Holtzman was the background of my tablet when I was like 12 so...)

Me: please, I would let kate mckinnon step on my neck.
Friend: that's a choice.
Me: shut up and die.

by Cute_toes666 January 23, 2021