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This is a person who leads a troll army of simps who allow the McSimp to lie and they never allow anyone else to question the McSimps statements and claims. They will themselves create lies and employ their own armies of simps.

The order of the McSimp simps consists of many simps. The most notable are:-

Simp deMcSimp the leader aka McRae Boomer

Simp dePinky aka Pinky Rhetoric
Simp deDoxer aka Doxin82 Goblin
Simp deFailure aka Failed Engineer
Simp deDogBreath aka Cheshire Goblin
along with other disposable simps such as Simp deSkeptic and simp deFight

These simps and the simps who simp to them will say anything to please someone, in the hopes that they will be in good favor with that simp.

Steve McSimp uses the Non-Sequitur Show as the carrot for many of the serf simps . The order of the simps though are looking to satisfy their narcissist needs for power.

Did you hear the latest news that the McSimp is mobilizing the order of the Simps to take down the Modern Day Debate Channel on YouTube with the promise that the NSS channel will rise from the ashes. Its funny though because the simp leader was the one who burned the NSS to the ground.

by greatdebatecommunity April 15, 2020

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