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1. Used in relation to UK Grime music. When somebody (ie the famous Jammer - "The Merkle Man" - of Jahmek the World Productions) jumps onto a riddim and properly merks it.

2. The act of brucking up to someone (-> having beef with them)

1. WILEY: hey jammer, you gonna merk my riddim?
JAMMER: its the merkle man, never gonna flex like erkle man, come straight in the circle man, all for the green and purple man. cos - its the merkle - never gonna flex like erkullll, come to your ends and circle, all for the green and purple. cos in beef i merkle, leave your chest with a circle, then get left on the dirtull. neckulllll. yeh im neckle, take me for steps im neckullll. level, blud its ammer, bluc im a rebel, big like stone not small like pebble. when we clash soon ya better be neckulll....ETC


by DJ No Talent September 20, 2005

103๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


a type of drug that small animals such as cats smoke

yesterday i saw some stoned cats smoking some merkle i bought

by weaboo August 21, 2006

23๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž


Merkle is an ethnic word for the great illiterate unwashed, who can't spell "Can I have my Job Seekers Allowance now please?". Instead they use the verb to merk - which means to steal, beg, or seek asylum.

Ethnic person 1: Lets merk that rich white man
Ethnic person 2: I've been merking all day and have only made 50p
Ethnic person 1: Fantastic! lets go back to Ghana and buy a house with that money
Ethnic person 2: But I have an application to merkle pending, and if I leave now I'll lose it.

by Love Donkey September 21, 2005

19๐Ÿ‘ 81๐Ÿ‘Ž


an extension of the word "merked" or to "merk" someone. except in a cooler manner :)

"no blad you have been merkled!"

by jDOT! January 21, 2009

46๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


Something dirty that every man wants to do to a woman, usually involving a large schlong nude awkward sexual positions while wearing nothing more than two nickels and sone dental floss.

We totally merkled in the dentist's office yesterday.

by Emily Ianucci May 12, 2012


Verb and adjective. to merkle is to complaign about something in any given task, no matter how easy the task, or minor the problem, if there is nothing to complaign about, than you make up a reason .than merkle about it. once you have created a reason to merkel. you than go on and on about it for hours, or untill you find another issue, thing, object, or idea to merkle about

Pete was late to work because his alarm did not go off, than he kept merkleing about it all day.

Dick was having a great morning untill he notcied the finger prints on the wall. than he merkled non stop about it

by vwtekjw October 14, 2009

14๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


When you grab someone under their chin; about the middle of their neck.

I just merkled sadie and she was so mad that she called me a quevious menace!

by nadiyaforehead February 28, 2023