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Modern Warfare: Roman Numeral 2

An easier way to identify the 2022 CoD game 'Modern Warfare II' in voice conversations with people, since big brain Activision thought it would be a great idea to name their brand new game as the exact same name of a game they released 13 years ago, except they just changed the '2' to a 'II' to try and distinguish the two, even though nobody can tell the difference in voice conversations.

Alex: "Man I hate Modern Warfare II...."
Kyle: "How the hell can you say that?!? It's like the most classic Xbox 360 shooter ever, every kid loved that game."
Alex: "Nononononono not Modern Warfare 2 from the Xbox 360, I'm talking about the new one that just came out... I guess I'll call it Modern Warfare: Roman Numeral 2 since they have the same fucking name for some stupid reason?"
Kyle: "Ah got it. Yeah not only does that game suck, but you're right, the naming is so stupid. How many times you wanna bet that someone talks about the 'original' Modern Warfare 2 and some dude who never played it thinks they're talking about Modern Warfare: Roman Numeral 2?"

by suburban__dictionary December 14, 2022