Source Code


A company that originally broke off from Atari to become the first thrid party developer of the video game industry. Despite their leaving Atari because they didn't like the corporate monney grubbing direction that company was heading they are now every bit as evil and money driven as any other publisher out there. They are famous for releasing buggy hafl assed titles.

Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines. A game so buggy I had to use cheat codes to get past doors that were sealed shut because of a bug.

by Sega Slayer April 9, 2005

643๐Ÿ‘ 81๐Ÿ‘Ž


An American video game company that is ran by a bunch of money grubbing monkies. The company itself is a money grubbing scrub.

During the development of Black Ops, Activision published the game even though the developers of Black Ops, Treyarch, haven't completely tested the game on the PS3. This led Treyarch to release multiple patches and updates for the PS3 version of Black Ops, because it couldn't function online.

An upcoming video game, Modern Warfare 3, is being published by Activision, any mw3 lovers out there don't be surprised if it doesn't work properly if Activision sends it out when its incomplete

Dude I just bought Call of Duty Black Ops and it didn't fucking work on the PS3, those money grubbing scrubs that work for Activision screwed the game in the asshole.

I'm not gonna let Activision publish the video game because they are money grubbing fucks who are in it for the money and don't give a shit about the game.

If it weren't for raging fans of video games, Activision wouldn't be fucking rich

by !!Activision hater!! June 5, 2011

236๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž


Unlock this definition at tier 15, or from the rare supply drop for only 200 COD points

"Hey Jeff, why don't you play Black ops 4?"
"The VMP Activision put in."

by Trashy10_00 October 11, 2019

19๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


A company that milks their sponsors by making 5 Guitar Hero games and spin-offs every month

Activision Worker: -typing- Almost finished coding Guitar Hero 2,304,293,586,342.

by WrKing1 September 26, 2009

330๐Ÿ‘ 89๐Ÿ‘Ž


the visual impairment caused by playing too much Guitar Hero, DJ Hero, Band Hero, or Rock Band that makes it seem like the background and foreground are melting while the middle-ground stays still.

this symptom nearly always falls in conjunction with, but is not exclusively tied too any of the following: dizziness, Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, loss of friends, loneliness, virginity, false feelings of self accomplishment, pretending to know how to pretend to play the guitar, turntables, drums, etc.. excessive use of air-drums, air-guitar, amateurish beat boxing, and or scratching motions with one's middle and forefingers.

if someone you know is experiencing activision, DON'T PANIC!! chances are they are not your friend anyway and it is recommended that a doctor be consulted before realizing that there isn't shit you can do about it short of mercilessly, but lovingly beating them with their own plastic instruments. this will cure the activision, and leave you feeling satisfied and relieved.

inflicted: "woah... the room looks like its melting"

person: "that's called activision. it happened because youve been in a dark room for 5 hours trying to beat "through the fire and the flames" on expert and didnt stop to give your eyes a rest"

by He who knows many things February 21, 2010

128๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž


A lack of foresight for the consequences of tremendously stupid Ideas.

Greg decided to get drunk and run naked through the cactus patch last night. Cases of activision like that are gonna kill him one day

by Bluepwner July 7, 2010

118๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž


A corporation known for it's "fail-a-tude" in releasing titles like the Call of Duty series that the little fanboys buy, knowning it's going to be a piece of garbage that was rushed for release. In retrospect, it means "shit happens".

Dave: Dude, I just shot this guy in the face and I died! I hate this lag on Black Ops!

Fred: That's called Activision, bro. Learn to play.

by razorinflux February 3, 2011

96๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž