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To be in a dazed, semiconscious, crazy, or love-stricken state. Believed to be caused by a phase of the moon.

"Ted sure looked moonstruck after he drove his new lamborghini around the block."

by SumaDemDer January 12, 2013

63👍 1👎


just a little insane sometimes.

We're all just a little moonstruck

by 5secondsofmuke March 5, 2015

10👍 4👎


a phenomenon of a stupid man who totally loses his mind and starts acting dumb whenever he sees hot chicks. even a man of ability falls into this category. so almost every man is a moonstruck dog.

he acts like a moonstruck calf on chicks.

by lolito March 25, 2005

21👍 41👎