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One of the kindest people you'll ever meet, they go through a lot of hardships but never show it. Being brave, helpful, and they will always support you. Once you get to know them, they're really kind and wonderful. Acknowledgment will always be given.

Myesha: Wow your dress looks so cool!
Person 2: Thanks!
Myesha: Fortnite Sucks!

by oofa loofa bing bong November 21, 2019

52👍 4👎


The sweetest, nicest Girl you will ever meet. She's sensitive and shy; the quiet type, but really friendly, crazy and odd with her friends. She's the bringer of joy and smiles in her friendships, and will be the best true friend you need, when you need it.

Kid: "Wow, i wish i had at least an ordinary friend."
Kid 2: "Nah, what you deserve is a Myesha! "

by theCatInBlackInTheHat October 25, 2012

294👍 74👎


Kick-ass black grrrrlll with some major attitude bitch! Big D's bebe!

Billy: Damn, look at those ta-tas.
Joe: Must be a Myesha.

by Ang&Ash October 17, 2011

96👍 63👎


A cheeky loving happy faced person. She always makes you laugh and you never want to leave her. She is good at making friends and is popular among people.

Myesha: You are pretty.
Person: Thanks, so are you! :D

by Cradhwa December 28, 2022

4👍 1👎