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Myrthas are very kind but strict people. They are very artistic and creative.

If you need help painting something call a Myrtha

by Izzypigeon November 25, 2020


Myrthas are very kind but strict people. They are very artistic and creative.

If you need help painting something call a Myrtha

by Izzypigeon November 25, 2020


Is a kind and patient individual with a big heart. Who lives life to the fullest a true daredevil. A likable asshole with selective hearing. Innovative, intelligent, and charming. Myrtha balances righteousness and rachetness. Quiet when they don’t trust you and is a professional ghoster.

As the saying goes “Get you a Myrtha” you won’t regret it.

by Materialgirl00 November 24, 2021