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A walking, talking definition of a prick. It might be your colleague, classmate, teacher, boss, etc. Anyone who reeks of disgust and annoyance. The word prick personified. Usually bald. Sometimes has a glass eye. You get the picture, right?

A certain employer shouts, "Daniel, why haven't you turned in your report?!".
Daniel responds, "Mr. Mathew, you gave this task today morning, I haven't completed it yet."
The employer is riled up so much that he lost all his hair, "WHY HAVEN'T YOU COMPLETED IT!!!!?"
"Because I have to fly to another country to complete the research", says Daniel, confused.

Later at the pub, "I feel bad for you man, turns out your boss is an NRM. Big F", says Daniel's friend as he consoles him with a drink.

by JedTheRen November 29, 2021


A school that should not be allowed for the sake of the human race.

Never go to NRMS!

by Maker-Taker February 16, 2018