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being over analytical over nonsense on the internet; hinting at your ever growing neckbeard.

This can also can be used to point out stupid nitpicking.

Also filling up an argument with pointless facts that do not prove anything.

Guy: I like how your sister used the water fountains as a metaphor for how the school is one regret after another
Girl: Dude, she's 10, Quit your neckbearding. She didn't think that far into it.

Anon1: Name the best band from the new millennium
Anon2: The Cure
Anon1: They're from the 70s
Anon2: Bloodflowers (2000)
Anon1: I said FROM not IN
Anon2: fuck you and your neckbearding!

Status: frankly illinoise (sic) had very little to do with that the music of that state. where was junior wells and the blues, where was the jazz and the acid chicago house? fucking no where. yes he can do wrong quite well. round of applause to everyone who fellates this guy's career

comment: Wow, you're certainly butthurt about this. Why do you assume that Sufjan had an obligation to reference the music of Illinois? He made a fantastic record about its places and people; stop neckbearding!

by imthatawesome October 12, 2010

30๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž


Jokingly- A general term for the many actions an IT professional must do at work.

Derogatory- The act of doing unnecessarily time consuming technical things on a computer for the sake of epeen, lack of better things to do, or for no meaningful contribution to society.

Person: What have you been doing all day?
Neckbeard: I've been neckbearding in Linux all day.

by Neckbeard2142 November 20, 2013

7๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


being over analytical over nonsense on the internet; hinting at your ever growing neckbeard.

This can also can be used to point out stupid nitpicking.

Also filling up an argument with pointless facts that do not prove anything.

Guy: I like how your sister used the water fountains as a metaphor for how the school is one regret after another
Girl: Dude, she's 10, Quit your neckbearding. She didn't think that far into it.

Anon1: Name the best band from the new millennium
Anon2: The Cure
Anon1: They're from the 70s
Anon2: Bloodflowers (2000)
Anon1: I said FROM not IN
Anon2: fuck you and your neckbearding!

Status: frankly illinoise (sic) had very little to do with that the music of that state. where was junior wells and the blues, where was the jazz and the acid chicago house? fucking no where. yes he can do wrong quite well. round of applause to everyone who fellates this guy's career

comment: Wow, you're certainly butthurt about this. Why do you assume that Sufjan had an obligation to reference the music of Illinois? He made a fantastic record about its places and people; stop neckbearding!

by imthatawesome October 12, 2010

3๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž


being over analytical over nonsense on the internet; hinting at your ever growing neckbeard.

This can also can be used to point out stupid nitpicking.

Also filling up an argument with pointless facts that do not prove anything.

Guy: I like how your sister used the water fountains as a metaphor for how the school is one regret after another
Girl: Dude, she's 10, Quit your neckbearding. She didn't think that far into it.

Anon1: Name the best band from the new millennium
Anon2: The Cure
Anon1: They're from the 70s
Anon2: Bloodflowers (2000)
Anon1: I said FROM not IN
Anon2: fuck you and your neckbearding!

Status: frankly illinoise (sic) had very little to do with that the music of that state. where was junior wells and the blues, where was the jazz and the acid chicago house? fucking no where. yes he can do wrong quite well. round of applause to everyone who fellates this guy's career

comment: Wow, you're certainly butthurt about this. Why do you assume that Sufjan had an obligation to reference the music of Illinois? He made a fantastic record about its places and people; stop neckbearding!

by imthatawesome October 12, 2010

3๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž


being over analytical over nonsense on the internet; hinting at your ever growing neckbeard.

This can also can be used to point out stupid nitpicking.

Also filling up an argument with pointless facts that do not prove anything.

Guy: I like how your sister used the water fountains as a metaphor for how the school is one regret after another
Girl: Dude, she's 10, Quit your neckbearding. She didn't think that far into it.

Anon1: Name the best band from the new millennium
Anon2: The Cure
Anon1: They're from the 70s
Anon2: Bloodflowers (2000)
Anon1: I said FROM not IN
Anon2: fuck you and your neckbearding!

Status: frankly illinoise (sic) had very little to do with that the music of that state. where was junior wells and the blues, where was the jazz and the acid chicago house? fucking no where. yes he can do wrong quite well. round of applause to everyone who fellates this guy's career

comment: Wow, you're certainly butthurt about this. Why do you assume that Sufjan had an obligation to reference the music of Illinois? He made a fantastic record about its places and people; stop neckbearding!

by imthatawesome October 12, 2010

2๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž


The word neckbeard, deriving from the conjoining of the words โ€œneckโ€ and โ€œbeard,โ€ is a descriptor for a type of man characterized by an inflated sense of self worth and a powerful sense of entitlement, particularly to affection, subservience and sexual acts from women. The name is a reference to the poor grooming and hygiene standards typically held by such men, with the result that their facial hair is unkempt and extends down their neck. At the core, neckbeardsโ€™ inflated egos and misogynistic attitudes towards women serve as a coping mechanism for personal insecurity and a lack of self confidence. Such an attitude allows them to place the blame for their failed social interactions on others rather than undertake self examination and improvement. Neckbeards also typically have an interest in anime, hentai and waifuism, due to their stereotypical perception of Japanese women as being meek and subservient to men, and thus their idealized, non-threatening sexual partner. Fedoras are also popular among neckbeards due to their seeing themselves as sophisticated, respectable gentlemen, as opposed to the โ€œChadsโ€ or โ€œassholesโ€ they believe women normally are attracted to. Copious amounts of Mountain Dew, Doritos, video games, and a sedentary lifestyle are all additional hallmarks of the neckbeard ethos.

โ€œFemales like you only go for jocks and assholes, you never want to give nice guys like me a chance. You missed out on a gentleman, slut.โ€

โ€œGod, what a neckbeard. I can still smell him from here.โ€

by ProfCDryDrunk October 25, 2020

1178๐Ÿ‘ 143๐Ÿ‘Ž


Talkative, self-important nerdy men (usually age 30 and up) who, through an inability to properly decode social cues, mistake others' strained tolerance of their blather for evidence of their own charm.

Stop being such a neckbeard.

by maladiciones August 3, 2010

4819๐Ÿ‘ 958๐Ÿ‘Ž