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From the anime Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, it is to run away while thinking of a better plan. Sometimes referred to as a tactical retreat

Smokey: Do you have any backup plans to kill this thing Jojo?
Joseph Joestar: You bet I do!
Smokey: Huh? Really?
Joseph Joestar: Yeah, I've only got one left.
Smokey: What is it?
Joseph Joestar: It's time to use my legs
Smokey: How so?

by TheJojoFanWhosAFurry July 14, 2017

833👍 16👎


The true , and only Joestar way .

Jojo : Nigerundayo , Smokey !
Jojo then runs away

by BohhY August 2, 2020

72👍 2👎


What you yell while running away from an angry black mob after saying the nword(either intentionally or unintentionally)

Me: Hey nigga
Black guy: WTF did you say cracka? Hey homies beat this white guy up, he said that word.
Me: I'll deal with you using my legs.
Black guy: show us what you got.
Me(runs away): Nigerundayo.

by Saitama 777 March 18, 2021

58👍 87👎


the act of saying the n-word in front of a black guy and then running away, particularly if you are in a popular japanese animated television series titled "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure", which aired in 2012, originally written as a manga by the popular mangaka "Hirohiko Araki" (1960-present)

Smokey: Dawg wut?

by machinegun2187 February 12, 2023

9👍 15👎


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure reference to run away and think of a plan. Personal Storytime: I got grounded for 1 week for saying that.

Me: Nigerundayo
Non-JoJo fan 1: Ooh, he said the N word!!!
Non-JoJo fan 2: Hard R!!
History teacher: GET OUT. NOW.

by 2Fax4U September 24, 2022

3👍 7👎

Gotta Nigerundayo

Japanglish, need I say more?

Weeb 1: Hey, where are you going?

Weeb 2: Sorry bro, Gotta Nigerundayo.

by YourAverageWeeb April 9, 2021

17👍 5👎

Nigerundayo hotfoot grip

When somebody grips your penis and starts giving you a very tight footjob as they go as fast as they can while saying "nigerundayo smokey"

Friend 1: Bro my girl gave me the Nigerundayo hotfoot grip and my cock burns
Friend 2: I'm so sorry my friend

by Vergil the meme god June 24, 2023

4👍 4👎