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Nowa is artistic concept versatility. In praxis this is shown by one’s artistic concept (painting, movie, song …). If the person is capable of doing different concepts, they have a high nowa.

Red Velvet could do Galway Girl, but Ed Sheeran could never do Dumb Dumb. They’ve got a higher nowa.

by they’ve seen everything January 18, 2023


Nowa is a fucking legend and if you run it straight, nowa will always sit you on your ass. Nowa has been known to not give a fuck about anything, and tends to not care. Nowa will also boost u off in a race and will smoke u at sports. And clap yo checks in ufc 4!

Nowa will fuck u up in ufc 4

by Goat fucking Nowa November 22, 2021

3👍 1👎


a New York City neighborhood in Upper Manhattan, at the NORTH end of WASHINGTON HEIGHTS.

"Gypsy cabs and the A train is the only way we roll up in NoWa."

by Little Big Chris January 19, 2006

6👍 12👎