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Nutty Pot

When you cum in one of your girl’s nostrils and it comes out the other, effectively cleaning her sinuses.

I’ve been breathing great since Chet and Klyle each gave me a Nutty Pot

by BA_BROWN October 24, 2018

Nutty pot

The nutty pot is when a man ejaculates into one nostril and it shoots out the other nostril. May or may not help clear the sinuses.

Allen gave Anna a nutty pot after she blew him.

by Wordsmith Cocky McCockerson November 14, 2019

Nutty pot

When you have semen ejaculated into your anus while simultaneously ejaculating.

Chet totally gave me a nutty pot last night.

by Relec May 31, 2018

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Nutty pot

Similar to a neti pot, a nutty pot is when one ejaculates their semen into another's nostril, and it comes out the other nostril

girl: my Oh my, I think I'm coming up with a cold, my nose is all stuffy

guy: sounds like you could use a nutty pot!

by hornydingo March 1, 2015

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Nutty pot

When ready to ejaculate on your partners face, you put the tip of your penis against their nostril and blow your load, cleaning out their sinuses.

I was all congested till my husband gave me a nutty pot last night.

by Romasu December 29, 2022

Nutty Pot

A sex move where a male sticks the end of his penis into the nostril of his partner and blows a large load hard enough that it cums out of the other nostril.

That chick I picked up at the health food store had a sinus infection, so I gave her a Nutty Pot to try and cure her.

by Smittyp87 January 10, 2019