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The reason I used to like Fridays. Bit now the show is gone and I'm sad. The best show ever, the show where the main character has the most confusing family tree, but if you're a true Oncer then you should understand it.

Oncer: I love OUAT! BEST. SHOW. EVER.
Oncer 2: I agree. I understand everything.
Fake Oncer: The family tree is really confusing though.
Both true Oncers: you are not a true Oncer. Leave!

by Comedic_Failure. Me October 6, 2018


Ouat, otherwise known as Once Upon A Time is a television show that aired for about 7 years until 2018 when it was finally cancelled. It was about a girl named Emma who’s fairy tale parents (Snow White and Prince Charming) had sent her to the “real world” to avoid a curse by the Evil Queen. She grows up not knowing of her destiny to break the curse and is only awakened to this fact by her long lost son Henry that she gave up for adoption while in prison.

Did you catch the latest episode of ouat last night? It was a thriller!

by KillingiswrongJD June 13, 2019


Once Upon A Time. Probably the greatest show in history. Might even be better than PLL.

Emily: Did you catch the new episode of OUAT last night?
Olivia: No, I don't have cable, but I do watch it on Netflix, it's pretty awesome.
Emily: You're gonna love Season 6!
Olivia: Hopefully, but no spoilers!
Emily: Aw, ok..

by GetLostGetFoundPaperTowns October 6, 2016

45👍 7👎


once upon a time

OUAT I could control myself

by phantomranch August 20, 2009

68👍 19👎



He was my friend ouat

by Howyoudoin'😏 March 1, 2017


A wonderful show currently available on Disney+ that slowly rips away your sanity.

Person 1: Hey do you watch OUAT?

Person 2: No.

Person 1: ...
Person 2: ...
Person 1: TRAITOR

by Froggity November 24, 2020


Ouat is short for ”Once Upon A Time”. It’s a series on Netflix and Disney+. It is an amazing show with amazing actors and actresses. The show is about telling the back stories for original fairytales. Captain Hook is very hot and so is The Evil Queen. More hot people are Emma Swan (the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming), Graham (the hunter), Mulan and low key Prince Philip.

“Hey, what’s ur favorite show?
“What’s that?”
“It’s short for Once Upon A Time
“Oh yeah, that show is AMAZING

by Charli D’amilio official April 19, 2021