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A huge party that goes on in October in Munich, Germany. Everyone's drunk 24/7, and there are rides, food, and everything you could ever want. Most importantly, there's a metric shitload of beer wherever you look. 10% alcohol beer, by the liter.

Bob: "Yo check this out dogg...I was so drunk last night I almost threw up! It was crazy man. I must have had like a liter of beer."
Jack: "Shut up bitch. I had 3 liters, puked, rallied and had two more, puked again, stripped in front of 10000 people in a tent, then went home and banged a dirty African whore. Indabutt."
Nick D: "No. No you didn't"
Jack: "No, I didn't. But you can imagine what it'd be like if I did...eh, eh?"

by Nick D November 5, 2003

218👍 56👎


Oktoberfest is a festival in which millions of people get together once a year to artificially increase the price of liver transplants

on Oktoberfest we drink shitloads of beer

by Minesweeperplayer September 29, 2021


When you invite men and women to a party, but no women show up, leaving you with a lot of men. In other words: Beer and sausage!

Source: Dinosaur Comics, July 25, 2003

T-Rex: Why do my parties turn into one big Oktoberfest?
Utahraptor: Oktoberfest?
T-Rex: Beer and sausage!

by Dorian Black! May 4, 2005

111👍 93👎


Oktoberfestivities (noun; slang; origin: danglish)

Oktoberfest is a three-week festival held each year in Munich, Bavaria, Germany during late September and early October. It is one of the most famous events in the city and the world's largest fair, with some six million people attending every year.

Oktoberfestivities are those events which occur in celebration of Oktoberfest. While the true Oktoberfest is celebrated in Germany, Oktoberfestivities occur throughout the world. They include but are not limited to: beer drinking (in tents or bars), eating traditional German cuisine in large quantities, and musical entertainment.

Oktoberfestivities should be enjoyed with caution. There are many problems every year with young people, who overestimate their ability to handle large amounts of alcohol. Many pass out due to drunkenness. These especially drunk patrons are often called "Bierleichen" (German for "beercorpses"). If lucky, they are brought by staff to a medical tent where drunks as well as sick people are treated.

The movie Beerfest has many oktoberfestivities as part of the Oktoberfest celebration.

by Amanda Walker October 5, 2007


when a girl is invited to beer drinking party and shes the only girl there and takes on all the guy suasage at the party

lets invite her to the oktoberfest she is hot!

by 44mag May 13, 2009

17👍 61👎

Oktoberfest Elbow

An abrasion on the elbow of one's drinking arm caused by resting it on the rough, wooden surface of either a bar or table while holding a beer stein.

I drank beer all day yesterday in the beer tent and woke up this morning with an Oktoberfest Elbow.

by rugbykiltman September 18, 2023