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1. Phrase used to question the wisdom of a smartass trying to pass off infomation on a topic you know the person knows little or nothing about.

2.Can also be used to change the subject.

Versatile phrase used as a put down.

Guy 1: I think I need more fiber in my diet because I only shit once a day and my ass bleeds.
Guy 2: What are you an assologist? or
What are you a colonologist? or
What are you a fiberologist? or
What are you an assbleedologist? etc.

by Mo Jo March 14, 2008

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A suffix added to common nouns to describe a person who is knowledgeable about said noun.

Steve: Ryan just made a bacon sandwich topped with bacon sauce.

Tyler: Well, duh. He's a baconologist

Steve: What?

Tyler: Bacon with -ologist added

by Hypotra December 26, 2011

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One who shows a high level of proficiency in the art of creating high quality memes.

That fellow is a skilled meme-ologist, his "The steaks have never been higher" meme is by far my favorite.

by ALTM4N September 5, 2013

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A person who specializes in the art of making and perfecting dabs.

Their dab-ologist skills produce the finest and highest quality dabs on the block.

by 3X & Psycho Lapacuz April 1, 2018


a person who studies obese booties

"We are bootyologists Josh D.!"

by e. d. boo October 14, 2003

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One who often refuses to proof read and/or backspace any mistakes when typing. May occur in more occasions when instant messaging.

Melissa rarely ever types things out correctly. She's like a typo-ologist.

by geeIsMe24 February 5, 2010

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A custodian or janitor, someone whose profession is to literally clean up other people's crap for a living. It's just the way to say it more "profesionally."

Edgar: Yeah, I did some work in architecture, but I decided to settle down in buisness. What do you do? Rufino: Uhh.. I'm a world known Doo-doo-ologist. Edgar: Lame...

by Xero _ Manifest December 23, 2010

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