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A name that is now synonymous with a race-baiting black bitch. Omarosa Stallworth, a contestant on the NBC reality show The Apprentice, used the race card whenever possible, falsely accusing her fellow contestants of calling her the n-word. She also whined excessively and displayed a type of arrogance/bitchiness rarely seen among humans.

Person-A: "Do you know who the hell I am? You just fear me because I'm a strong black woman you racist!"
Person-B: "That's quite Omarosa-like"
Person-A: "Did you just call me the n-word?"
Person-B: "No. Please shut up"

by Juggo December 21, 2004

335👍 77👎


Contestant on the hit TV show "The Apprentice" who played too many cards and got Trumped.

If you act like Omarosa while on the clock, don't expect being called "Employee of the Month" anytime soon.

by me April 13, 2004

147👍 33👎


Candidate from The Apprentice season 1 who became notorious after accusing Erika of calling her a nigger. There are different theories about why Omarosa made up the lie about Erika. One is that Omarosa was simply jealous of Erika, who is beautiful, while Omarosa is Fugly. Another is that Omarosa actually overheard her own thoughts ("Hey, I'm a nigger") and thought that Erika had spoken those words.

Omarosa: although I am 7 feet tall I am unable to get a position in the WNBA. Yet I will continue maintain my masculinity anyway.

by TruthForYou September 6, 2006

181👍 49👎


the biggest bitch in television history..a few words to define her: Arrogant, Racist, Whiny, Bitchy, Annoying, Fake, etc.

NO ONE likes Omarosa because she is so fucking arrogant and uses the race card to get away with whatever the fuck she wants.

by Robby H. October 2, 2005

239👍 100👎


An unlikely ally. A friend by way of sharing a common enemy.

I don't like really like that guy, but after seeing him stand up to that bully, he's my omarosa.

by urbandickchinairy August 15, 2018

1520👍 1646👎

white omarosa

like omarosa, but caucasian.

yo, you lie so much and got the white kwame kicked off, you are sooo totally the white omarosa

by MPG May 5, 2004

22👍 11👎

Omarosa effect

A rather intelligent tactic first developed by Omarosa from "The Apprentice" and used by pre-dominately black women on reality t.v. shows. These women utilize their 15 minutes of fame on the reality shows wisely by playing the role of a bitch and becoming the villain in order to gain more roles on television.

By using the Omarosa effect, New York from Flavor of love ws able to get on Flavor of love 2 as well as get her very own reality show.

by Alpha6 February 1, 2007

23👍 12👎