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someone who freely expresses their feelings and their thoughts

Those who are outspoken could be considered rude to some.

by Gerard Irick September 30, 2011

117👍 19👎


Frank and unreserved in speech ; Say what u feel no matter how it sounds

She is very outspken.

by Missy June 19, 2004

211👍 48👎


The nice way to call someone a complete dick, someone who's being tactless or maybe a tad too truthful. Por ejemplo:

Girl: Wanna go out sometime?

Complete Dick: No. You're hideous. In fact, I'd mistake you for a failed abortion if I didn't know your mom was a pro-lifer.

Girl: You're a complete dick!

Complete Dick's Friend: No, he's just very...outspoken.

by Kayl April 11, 2008

165👍 114👎


Often a nice way of calling someone a douche, because they're honest and straightforward, regardless of how it sounds or who it offends.

Most people who have this quality are politicians, debate-club members, douches, or rebels.

Flirty Girl - Why don't ever talk to me? You're so shy! *wink*

Outspoken D-Bag - I'm not shy, you're just a slut, desperate for attention, who I wouldn't give five minutes of my day to 'cuz I've got a girlfriend.

by Tigum April 25, 2011

51👍 37👎