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Say what you want when you want prd.

by vincentcangoghsear December 22, 2019


Pre Race Dump

A warm-up type activity undertaken by Orienteers, usually before racing or training.

Timtom, lets go for a PRD

You go to the start, I need to PRD this shit.

by Grahammm September 15, 2009

42πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


Short for "Pre-Rolled Doobie" or Pre-rolled Doobage" ie; a joint already rolled

I have a PRD want to get stupid

by xxjjpxx September 15, 2003

47πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


Abbreviation for Park Road Derry. A young team/organised crime syndicate who run Park Road in Brechin, but live in Edinburgh. Known to have brutal gang fights with the fearsom Morningside Ravers.

Morningside Ravers: Deary me, I do hope we don’t have to have a scuffle with the PRD today, I just got my waistcoat ironed!

by The Babber October 7, 2019


Political Retarded Disorder or "PDR" is a not a mental health problem but rather to describe an annoying person who show off their political views on the internet as if they are important or doing something political that makes them look stupid in general.

" My own son has PRD because he he thinks he can make a device that can make immagrants go back to their country"

by Jojomojokojo July 6, 2023



Pub Rock Diner

I’m heading to PRD for some food and a couple of bevs

Come and PRD (PaRDy) like ya parents did!

by urdaman September 23, 2019


Pussy ride deluxe

Damn, that car is the smallest PRD i eva seen nigga

by Jamal January 4, 2003

17πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž