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Pareidolia is the phenomena of seeing faces/figures/forms in patterns; as opposed to where one normally sees faces/figures/forms (on animals including people/landscapes etc.)

Pareidolia is seeing what appears to the individual to be a representation of a face, figure, or form in the clouds, wood grain, marble, smoke, shadows, or any non-homogeneous area. It can also be an auditory phenomenon as in hearing white noise or a record played backward that sounds to the individual like words or a melody that isn't actually there.

by fred ressler September 15, 2006

154๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


A song made by Kevin Sherwood and Elena Siegman.

Whoa dude have you heard the easter egg dong from Shangri la?
Yeah dude itโ€™s Pareidolia

by Vince the nigger June 10, 2021

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Misperception of an ambiguous stimulus as something specific.

Seeing faces in clouds is an example of pareidolia.

by Loadmaster July 21, 2004

24๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Amongus Pareidolia

A type of pareidolia that happens when someone sees an object that vaguely resembles the characters of the game โ€œamong usโ€

Look at this egg shape, kind of sus! I think amongus pareidolia destroyed my brain.

by Make it stop February 23, 2021

Amongus Pareidolia

Amongus Pareidolia is seeing the characters from the game 'among us' in random objects or patterns of light and shadow.
Amongus Pareidola is an everyday phenomenon. Once considered a symptom of psychosis, it arises from an error in visual perception.

I have Amongus Pareidolia, and i see amongus everywhere i go.
Do you see that Amongus character over there? I think i must have Amongus Pareidolia!

by เถบเถžเถบเถบเถžเถบ SUSSY April 15, 2022


Pareidolia is the phenomenon of finding familiar images in random scenes and being slightly turned on.

"This smoke looks like a nutting squirrel, I am slightly turned on, Pareidolia."

by neal569 October 24, 2018


When you see the face of Jesus everywhere, especially on toasted bread and cloud shapes.

My friend: Look at that toast bread, Jesus appeared on it !
Me: You got pareidolia, dude

by iscritto October 20, 2022