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A pink loving dizty big boobed chick with no ass.
love yah pep

Jesus look at the tits on that chick, she has to be a pepto!

by dirtylitany July 11, 2008

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anything innocuous and curative

Don't worry about valerian - it's completely Pepto.

by Victoria December 10, 2003

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pepto klepto

someone who has the runs all the time so they're always using up all your pepto bismol.

Dude you're such a pepto klepto stop eating so much spicy mexican food and you wouldn't have to use all my pepto bismol.

by ravencrow neversmiles April 14, 2011

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Precautionary Pepto

A Pepto-Bismol taken prior to a date, party, or other important social function in order to prevent any bowel-related mishaps during the event.

1. I wish I hadn't had Panda Express for lunch. I need a Precautionary Pepto before I hang out with Bridget or else I'm gonna get the runs.

by headofblackmusic June 26, 2011

Pepto Jizmol

n: The pink gooey substance that leaks out of a menstruating woman after you spunk in her junk.

Shit baby, grab a towel, you are dripping pepto jizmol all over the carpet

by SkoalReaver November 29, 2010

Pepto Diarrhea

Similar to Pepto Bismol, Pepto Diarrhea is for those people who have abnormally liquidy diarrhea

Friend: Man Brooke, you seem like you need some Pepto Diarrhea
Brooke: I know:( I ordered some last night

by russianprincesso1 November 13, 2019

Pepto Bismol

The most obscene commercial jingle ever!

Commercial: "Heartburn, nausea, indigestion, upset stomach DIARREAH, yay pepto bismol!"
Friend1: Hey bud, pass me some of that diarreah over there!
Friend2: Want some pepto bismol on it?
Friend1: Yeah! that'll take the shitty taste out of it!

by Yelsew Foolface April 11, 2005

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