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corporate personhood

The legal doctrine by which a corporation is called an entity instead of property of a person who owns it.

The result of corporate personhood is that corporations have more rights than people do.

Corporate personhood has been outlawed by the city or Arcata, California.

by Downstrike September 14, 2004

387👍 13👎

Fetal Personhood

An extremist Force Birth idea that a fetus has the same personhood rights of human being, therfore canceling out the personhood rights of the pregnant Woman/girl to make here own individual Healthcare choice of whether or not to carry a pregnancy to full term even if the pregnancy was forced upon them without consent.

"Your Honor, Fetal Personhood doesn't cancel out my clients Personhood right to make her own health decisions" replied Heather who's legal clients was seeking to end her unplanned pregnancy

by Libertius November 11, 2022


When someone is considered to be a person in a country usually refer to time of conception, the day the child is born, age of puberty,age of adulthood

I have finally hit personhood

by 459395 February 23, 2022