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The anxious emotional state of a person whose smart phone has died, been lost, or left behind at home/work.

I forgot my cell phone at home this morning and am feeling very phonely.

by Aradan October 2, 2012

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When everyone around you is on their phones and it feels as if you're the only one there.

The party wasn't that much fun, for the most part I felt quite phonely.

by fashionvetements February 1, 2017

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


The feeling you get when everyone around you is on their phone doing stuff but you don't have yours due to it dying/broken/forgotten/inadequate, so you want everyone else to stop being on theirs,

*whole group on phones except for Liz*
Liz: Hey guys, I'm feeling pretty phonely right now.

*group gets the hint and puts them away so they can have a real conversation*

by Wordminster420 December 19, 2016

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Producing a feeling of absence of human presence or interaction caused by prolonged periods of cellular phone inactivity.

I haven't gotten a text all day, I'm feeling really phonely.

by Oti$$ May 20, 2011

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One who compensates for loneliness with excessive use of a cell phone through calls or texting.

He's called me 4 times tonight, I think he must be phonely.

by Karaoke Joe August 27, 2008

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A piece of glass stuck to plastic that takes up time and dies everyday but comes back to life after being plugged into an outlet.

This fucking phone is coming back to life!!!

by AZZ-HOLEZ December 7, 2016

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phone it in

Perform an act in a perfunctory, uncommitted fashion, as if it didn't matter.

She sang the National Anthem, but she was just phoning it in as far as I could tell.

by octopod November 8, 2003

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