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1- Pinochet (Augusto Pinochet) was a dictator in Chile, some people think he was very mean because he killed a lot of people in his regiment, He also violated the Human rights. This regiment started nearly 1973 and finished in 1990. He died december 10th of 2006
A lot of people celebrated his death in Plaza Baquedano (Santiago, Chile)

*Who was the president of Chile in 1973
-There was no president, only one dictator called Pinochet
*Oh really? what do you think of him?
-Oh he was very mean.. look it on Wiki

by Chileangirl July 7, 2010

420πŸ‘ 136πŸ‘Ž


Chilean dictator/minor god who threw commie scum out of helicopters

"Hey bro, do you want to go on a helicopter ride?"
"Sure, as long as you don't Pinochet me."

by Lil’ Degenerate October 16, 2020

45πŸ‘ 99πŸ‘Ž


Salvador Allende was the first Marxist ever to be elected to the national presidency of a liberal democracy with 33% of the vote and unconstitutional partnerships during the Cold War. Invited 50-year Cuban dictator Fidel Castro to Chile for 23 days for advice on how to change constitution and carry out communist-led revolution alike 1948 Czechoslovak coup d'Γ©tat to turn Chile into a second Cuba. Plan backfired. Allende's presidency was ended by opposing forces on second attempt aka 1973 Chilean coup d'Γ©tat. Augusto Pinochet led those forces and used any means necessary to get the job done.

-Study confirms that you can make Americans believe anything that international communism says about Salvador Allende if they fail to Wikipedia fact check. Augusto Pinochet led the forces that took Allende and his personal militia following to the ground and prevented Chile from becoming a new Cuba.

-I can be super chill and smoke weed and read about democratic ideas but will fact check before glorifying communist leaders like Stalin who killed millions or Salvador Allende who almost did the same as he attempted to turn Chile into a second Cuba before Augusto Pinochet forceful military intervention.

by Wiseman_freedom_seeker September 13, 2020

34πŸ‘ 160πŸ‘Ž


Pinochet is a word used instead of liar. It can also be used as a noun describing the deceitful, lowlife scum of the earth.

Look that this God damn pinochet lying piece of s#!t.

by A worried on looker September 13, 2016

319πŸ‘ 104πŸ‘Ž

Augusto Pinochet

Dictator who ruled Chile with an iron fist from 1973 to 1990. Pinochet headed the military junta that controlled the country after a coup that deposed the democratically elected president Salvador Allende. During his reign, Pinochet ordered the violent suppression of all political opposition to his government. A commission determined that his military and government were responsible for human rights violations, including more than 2,000 deaths and untold numbers of disappearances.

All opposition parties were banned, the press was censored and dissidents up and down the country were abducted and executed without trial. The notorious Caravan of Death, an Army death squad flew the length of the country by helicopter in October 1973, extinguishing 97 influential opposition figures. Even dissidents that had fled the country were not out of Pinochet’s reach. Operation Condor, tracked the numerous Chileans that had fled into exile. No-one was safe from Pinochet’s paranoid anti-communist drive. General Prats, Augusto Pinochet’s predecessor in the role of Commander in Chief, was killed in Buenos Aires in 1974.

Pinochet is pronounced Pino – Chay. The t is silent.

by Dancing with Fire June 19, 2011

581πŸ‘ 116πŸ‘Ž

pinochet helicopter

A joyous experience that any self respecting social justice warrior should volunteer for.Involves being bundled onto a helicopter and thrown from a great height,usually into the pacific ocean.

the whiny bitch could not back up her arguments,so we put her on a pinochet helicopter and threw her into the pacific.

by rillnegro April 26, 2016

66πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Augusto Pinochet

A brutal dictator who held absolute power in Chile for nearly 17 dark, violent, unforgettable years.

When I visited Santiago, I could still sense Augusto Pinochet looming over the city.

by Cotapos June 24, 2007

543πŸ‘ 148πŸ‘Ž