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When you masturbate so hard that you fart .

Man I was crankin one out the other night and I pipelined so bad I had to go in another room to finish.

by Grit Sharpenson January 15, 2016

6๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


For when you or a friend gets dragged into a community you didn't want to be dragged into.

James: Have you heard that Daniel got pipelined?

Mark: Yeah bro he played one game and now he's a furry.

James: Yeah dude pretty sad.

by Trigerr December 28, 2022

in the pipeline

If something is in the pipeline, it is not ready yet, but its arrival is expected soon.

The firm will stop all projects in the pipeline so it can cut down financing needs.

by cherry_pie February 27, 2007

35๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


the act of a man taking a shit on the toilet while fucking a girl in the ass. thereby giving the illusion that the woman is shitting through the mans dick and out his ass.

i'd sure like to pipeline that girl when i take a shit later

by shfty August 2, 2007

270๐Ÿ‘ 211๐Ÿ‘Ž


a classic skatepark, first opened in 1977 and closed in 1988 located in upland, ca that consisted a fullpipe, a monster bowl, a combibowl and a slalom course. it was the narliest of all skateparks.

ur dads that skated back in the day can tell u all about pipeline skatepark

by jackson j May 28, 2006

44๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž


A steady source of sex partners. Usually diverse in geography, it's made up of people willing to have sex with no emotional ties. Works best when they don't know each other.

Is that one of his fuck buddies? Oh yea, he has so many women in the Pipeline most of time his phone rings its a booty call.

Wow! I'm having a hard time managing the Pipeline. Can I send some your way?

Did he fuck her? No, she wasn't ready. So he put her in the Pipeline. (ie. He "pipelined" her)

by White Knight January 7, 2006

62๐Ÿ‘ 50๐Ÿ‘Ž


(verb) The process of injesting alcohol (normally) by means of funneling/feeding the liquids through a pipe (or more commonly used, a ~ 1-2 in. diameter hose) directly into the stomach.
The object of pipelining is to bypass the gag reflex to give worry free injection of hard liquor.

Works best with 100 proof alcohol.

May acceptably be called 'lining, if you are deemed cool enough to do so.

"I had an awesome time pipelining with you guys last night, you guys are all so cool..."

"Hey bro, lets do some 'lining"

"Kraven and Jrio are definately the most hardcore pipeliners in the world"

by Admiral Kraven Moorehead& Jrio September 10, 2009

14๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž