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pity sex

When girls have sex with guys because they feel bad for them.

Taras only banging Jack becuase his dad just died.

by Sandra Loon August 8, 2005

466👍 107👎

pity sex

What men will settle for after whimpering and wheedling and begging. No confirmed sightings, probbly an urban legend.

Pity Sex Gladly Accepted --T-Shirt.

by Buce July 18, 2005

370👍 122👎

pity sex

What girls do to boys who've never done anything with girls before.

Taylor or Sabrina should have pity sex with Morgan

by Morgan A July 17, 2005

245👍 91👎

Pity Sex

When a girl has sex with a boy just to make him feel better about himself or special

When Rachel lost her virginity and had pity sex with Finn just to make him feel special

by pressedlemon January 25, 2013

86👍 18👎

Forced Pity Sex

When a man during a young relationship really wants sex, but the girl does not. However, the girl wants to make the guy happy and let's it happen anyway, not enjoying it that much herself.

I really liked him, so we had some forced pity sex so we wouldn't dump me for a whore.

by thewisethesuarussus March 24, 2017

15👍 4👎