Source Code

Playa Playa

The act or state of being a playa.

C: Yo, did you scope Arri?
K: Yeah man, he was chattin' up these 3 randoms and number closed all of them. He was being all playa playa.
K: Ahhh shit, playa playa.

by HAM88 October 4, 2011

20πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


to be skillful at enticing one into a desired activity such as sexual intercause.

Don't think you're going to a Playa-Playa's house to just watch a movie.

by Tyrone February 13, 2005

26πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

Playa Playa

A female/ male that will fool multiple women or men into thinking their the only one or main Bae. ; aka Rose

Girl: *shows friends different Baes*
Friend #1: Damn girl all those Baes you have

Friend #2: Girl you a Playa Playa that's when you fool multiple men or women into thinking their the only one or main Bae .

by kaystackssss February 26, 2015

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

playa playa

1. Something that strikes an envious response...

2. A man who is all that...

3. A Nagger with his shit together...

Daaaaamn, B...Dat ring is playa playa...

Ya'll playa playa up in dis muthafuka, ain'tcha?...

Damn, Sedrick...You got it like dat??!! You kickin' it playa playa...

by Uncle Beasley April 3, 2006

19πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

sup playa playa

a phrase used by the coolest of the cool to describe joy when finding an item that they thought they had misplaced or lost; greeting for a fine playa

-Mom, I can't find my jeans.
-They are in the washing machine.

by deeEMM July 26, 2007

9πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

Playa playa from the himalaya

The act or state of being a legit playa. A person that can’t be topped. They are the best at whatever they do. They got it all. Not your average pimp.

β€œ Martin you playa playa from the himalaya”

by October 7, 2020

playa playa from the himalaya

A legit playa. Person can’t be topped. They’re the best at whatever they do. Not your everyday regular pimp.

β€œMarty mar is playa playa from the himalaya”

by October 7, 2020

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