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the best last name ever

The Prado's are awesome!

by lady gaga dumb Ass!! April 26, 2010

147πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž


1.To be above average; beyond reproach.
2. In order, better than a Tran and a Dao
3. Is called in bowling/golf/tennis when a perfect game is achieved.

1. Dude, that pizza is SOOO Prado!

2. Man, daredevil is to spiderman as Dao is to Prado

3. Hooray, i got a Prado!

by Dib March 20, 2003

61πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž


An imbecile who acts very odd. One would think he needs to be sent to a mental hospital. He thinks he is a macho man, that can rack in the ladies, and he thinks he has all the power, but in reality he is delusional. This guy is a straight up moron!

My friends boyfriend is SUCH a prado!

by flamingo77 November 29, 2009

47πŸ‘ 88πŸ‘Ž


for those privileged school kids who’s parents drive a white suv, most likely a prado. go through no struggle in life, drink cruisers and have a family holiday each year, have family friends and very involved in extra curricular activities, mostly those who come from a soccer mum.

β€œoh look karen’s here to pick up hannah”

β€œfuck her family is so prado”

by nibbabrians November 22, 2019

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Brett Prado

Fuck bitches, get wasted! 'Nuff said.

That beast at the party was Brett Prado-ing all over the place!

by !WH1T3-P0W3R! December 14, 2010

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Water Prado

(Or Wado) A seafaring vehicle with the same rugged reliability, capabilities in all conditions, suitable for all occasions, and general value for money as a Toyota Prado. Example - Bertram Caribbean 26 Flybridge

Mate, buy a Water Prado. We can go cruising, fishing and party!

by Bushmanbarry July 22, 2019

Francisco prado

Huge douche bag that enjoys partying and getting his dick wet rather then spending time with his kids. Father when convenient for him. Stay as far away from him as possible.

Who is Francisco prado

by Truthbtoldbiotch August 22, 2016

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž