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Usually confused with Psychosis, (insanity) it doesn't actually mean "insane" at all. Traits of Psychopathy include but perhaps are not limited to:
-Lack of Empathy-
-Superficial Charm-
-Shallow Emotions-
-Grandiose Sense of Worth-

Psychopathy is a psychological condition characterized by antisocial behavior, lack of remorse, empathy, and being bold.

The dog had angered him, so Tyler responded by beating it remorselessly.

by Just a Person Doing Research April 7, 2020

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When some really, really doesn't care.

Symptoms of psychopathy include: lack of empathy, an inflated sense of self-worth, pathological lying, or lack of remorse or guilt.

by cheesisnice September 8, 2019

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Noun - word used to describe the trait of psychopaths (crazy and mental deranged people)

Steph's psychopathy is getting to a serious level

by Mommyshan October 10, 2015

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Phenomenon in which will is collective (consciousness exists outside of the body).

Psychopathy is contrapositive (contraindicative) to sociopathy in which consciousness is not individual.

by metawave January 30, 2019

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The belief that more than 1% of the population is a psychopath and the paranoia that everyone, though they may not be 100% psychopathic, you interact with could possibly carry psychopathic traits. This includes the belief that, since psychopathy is genetic and a trait that can be passed on, that someone can be born expressing a small percentage of psychopathy and doesn’t have to be 100% or 0% psychopathic; they can be anywhere in between 0%-100%. This also means that, since psychopathy is a favorable trait for the fitness of the species, that over time there will be an increase in people expressing varying degrees of psychopathy since it is a desirable trait. It is important to remember however, that psychopaths are unintelligent chimps devolving the human race.

Are you psychopathy-suspicious?

by Turquoise2 September 27, 2020

Ewoolutionary Psychopathy

Incorrectly labelled "Evolutionary Psychology" by its proponents, Ewoolutionary Psychopathy is a pseudoscience popular among self-declared "Race Realists", "Neoreactionaries", "Pick-Up Artists" and similar pseudointellectual bigots. The goal is to declare their personal biases to be the "Natural Order" that must be obeyed. In reality, their understanding of evolution and behavioural science is superficial at best, their arguments based mostly on sensationalistic science reporting and economics woo. Any similarities to actual evolutionary psychology purely coincidental.

"Evolutionary psychology proves that betas calling their females 'darling' is just virtue signaling to feign a heigher sexual market value. Are you denying evolutionary psychology, cuck?"
"I do not. However, your nonsense has nothing to do with evolutionary psychology. It's ewoolutionary psychopathy."

by Dire Tamandua July 2, 2017

Farm Psychopathy

When you grew up on a farm and are able to put down animals without emotional trauma.

Lisa wanted bring her suffering cat to the vet to put down but it was expensive. Luckily her boyfriend Jonas had farm psychopathy so he was able to do it for the cost of a bullet.

by Bomafian December 11, 2020