Source Code

Raisin Bran

Raisin Bran is a version of the scoop, but done with both hands; hence 2 scoops of Raisin Bran.

"John walked around the corner and I Raisin Brand'd his ass!"

by Nick Meers July 11, 2008

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Raisin Bran

A word to describe someone with an ugly attitude and a soggy appearance.

Girl 1: "Look at him over there lookin' soggy like some Raisin Bran."
Girl 2: "Ain't that the truth?"

by Boo1Boo2 January 26, 2013

10๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Raisin Bran

Any kind of Ejaculation(Spooge,Cum,Jizz,Semen,white sticky stuff) that is in your mouth.

Harry: "Did you see that new Raisin Bran commercial?"
Charles: "Yea, it's a mouthful of awesome!"

by SuperJeffy November 15, 2009

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Raisin Bran

A fire rappers that make songs and post them on soundcloud and spotify and also itunes they are the best rappers of the century and you should download there album cause its so good

Yo did you hear raisin brans new album its fire

by raisin bran the rappers March 8, 2019

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Raisin Bran

a black asian

bob: oh wow look at jim go isn't he a black?

Bill: i thought he was asian?

hes both hes like a bowl of Raisin Bran

by RabbitFawcker August 16, 2012

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Raisin Bran

a very bad Sexually Transmitted Disease

Man: Yo dog I just got some rough Raisin Bran from my girl.
Man's friend: ahh thats not cool broo

by Meliss11542 November 6, 2007

3๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

raisin bran

Cereal made out of raisins and bran. If you eat a lot, you'll crap a whole ton.

I ate a whole ton of raisin bran one time and was in the washroom for six hours after that.

by Lawliet November 6, 2006

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