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Randy Newman

Popular pianist who was a professional musician by seventeen years old. He makes most of his money writing film scores but can craft an excellent tune on his own. Famous for such songs as "Four Eyes," "The Masterman and Baby J," and "Short People."

Randy Newman is often pokeed fun at by Mad TV and Family Guy.

by Miles T August 7, 2005

66👍 22👎

Randy Newman

An influential singer-songwriter who is best known for writing the soundtracks for numerous films, including Ragtime, the Meet the Parents trilogy, and numerous Disney films. He has frequently been lampooned by shows such as Mad TV and Family Guy due to his physically awkward appearance, "goofy-sounding" singing voice, and the homogeneous sound of his music. Many people underestimate his talent particularly as a result of the third reason he is so widely parodied in the media. However, many of these same people have probably never paid any attention to the lyrics of his songs, which are incredibly profound and greatly overshadow the relative simplicity of his musical skills.

Randy Newman is not unlike Bob Dylan. He's not a great singer, musician, nor is he particularly good-looking. However, he is a lyrical genius who can touch on some of the deepest human emotions as well as incorporate deep social commentary.

by thegreatrock February 25, 2012

16👍 8👎

Randy Newman

n. - a no-talent ass-clown, seemingly beloved by thousands or possibly tens of thousands.

No, Randy Newman. You don't got a friend in me.

by Alcazar Grande DeForce, of Paraguay May 29, 2008

23👍 73👎

Randy Newman

A musical genius and towering yet benevolent God amongst men, especially manlets. This universally venerated six-foot tall idol has a global cult following of manlets. The obsessed fanboy manlets are known to hold microscopic parades on his birthday and for the construction of elaborate statues of Saint Newman, as the stunted manlets affectionately call him, even going so far as to name their dwarfish offspring after him. Well-known, beloved and highly respected for his brilliant sense of humor and the profundity of his insight into important social issues, two of of Randy Newman's countless smash hits are "Short People" (the anthem of manletism) and "You've Got a Friend in Me" (unless you're a manlet).

Lol, why are those soaking wet manlets holding hands while lying in that tiny puddle over there? Randy Newman sometimes goes for a walk in this neighborhood. The besotted manlets have formed an improvised miniature pontoon bridge in eager anticipation of their hero's potential arrival. They have been floating there like that for hours now. The puddle must be like a lake to those utterly insignificant little manlet boys. Surely they will later frolic around and play grab-ass like the elfish fairies that they are. Hahahahaha!

by ManletDepreciator August 23, 2024