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Rasool is a curly haired boy who likes creating stuff. He is also gay and very romantic but he could be as cold as ice sometimes because of his charismatic character.

- I cant believe he lied to me and tricked me!
+ Well he's a rasool. He always lies.

by Mary the male November 22, 2021

11πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Rasool is a Arabic name that means β€œMessanger of God” or in other words Prophet. He tends to have attributes of a hard worker and is very knowledgeable and astute. He is great in bed and tends to attract many women with his knowledge and his wisdom. He is a loving and caring person and he is bound for greatness.

Rasool is the best!!

by RasoolAllah November 23, 2021

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Rasool is a Arabic name that means β€œMessanger of God” or in other words Prophet. He tends to have attributes of a hard worker and is very knowledgeable and astute. He is great in bed and tends to attract many women with his knowledge and his wisdom. He is a loving and caring person and he is bound for greatness.

Rasool is the greatest!!

by RasoolAllah November 23, 2021

7πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


Rasool is a tall guy about 5’11 He’s a hard working man, will do anything to make sure his Family and Friends are doing Good, He’s a great person to be around he will be corny and also helps you in any way possible, He has brown Curly hair, dark brown Eyes, He also has an amazing V-line, all girls call him hot, or sexy, he loves Mopar. Someone named Rasool is someone you want to have around when times get hard, He is a Family man.

Oh my god there’s a Rasool

by Rassol November 24, 2021

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A curly headed boy with big brown eyes, big lips, and an amazing personality. He knows how to make people laugh. Sometimes I think he’s gay. But that’s okay. He’s kind when he wants to be. He gets mad over nothing sometimes though.

Look there’s Rasool

by Idektic August 21, 2019

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Zahib rasool

Lives in the ghetto and has the poshest accent ratattatata.He also has the least humour and has the smallest penis in the akatsuki.His jokes are also extremely dry. the only thing good about him is his physique however he has thicc buttchin and walks around like a gorilla. he also loves 69ing his siblings .

zahib rasool is a battyboi

by November 22, 2021

rasool bibi

Rasool means God's messenger or someone who delivers God's message to people.

And Bibi means a lady of royalty.

Together they mean , A Lady or Highness who is carrying the message of guidance or light from god. One that leads and is pious. Loved by all around her.

Rasool bibi, is the loved one that everyone talks about and respects as she leads people to the righteousness.

by B0s51 November 23, 2021

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