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A sexy Arabic girl and is stronger that Ethan and could do any thing

Boy. Omg it's Rawanda she's hot

Girl. Ewww Ethan is gay

by Shanikwa February 23, 2016

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Motel Rawanda

Like Hotel Rwananda but a motel

While in Africa i went to Motel Rawanda

by P-Meizer December 27, 2010

4πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


Really nice and pretty, fun to talk to. She’s also funny and easy to talk to.

Oh hey rawanda

by Sjhshanna June 13, 2019


Really nice and pretty, fun to talk to. She’s also funny.

Oh hey rawanda

by Sjhshanna June 13, 2019