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The practice of orally pleasuring the anus/rectum of another by using the lips/tongue. The 'rim' being the anus hence the act of 'rimming.' Usually applied to those with a fetish for having their ass stimulated in such a way. Also a term used for somebody who is a typical 'suck-up' or 'brown-nose.'

'Man, could you get your tongue any further up Mr. Johnson's ass? He's not gonna give you a promotion, quit the rimming!'

by Llewelyn Dowd January 3, 2022

555๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


(verb) actively using one's tongue to stimulate someone's anus. often tastes of poop.

As I was rimming the young girl's succulent pink starfish, I stopped and asked, "Did you perchance have mexican for dinner last night? I ask because my tongue is ablaze with spicy goodness."

by Bill Curtis December 22, 2004

2488๐Ÿ‘ 1801๐Ÿ‘Ž


Licking the anal hole, giving pleasure to the sexual partner. Around the anus has sensory area and rimming makes feel good and give sexual arousal to the partner.Mostly used in homosexual intercourse, some practice in hetrosexual.

Jim:Have you experienced anal licking?
Joe:Do you mean,"Rimming"?

by Nicholas Tse December 18, 2007

671๐Ÿ‘ 471๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of licking anothers anus with your tongue.

"Tom always likes a good rimming!"

"Yum, i haven't have a good rim like that for ages!"

"That tasted better than last time."

"I will not rim you after that curry you ate!"

by Katrin Princess June 20, 2006

994๐Ÿ‘ 815๐Ÿ‘Ž


To hit the rim of the drum and the skin at the same time; a difficult tecnique that produces a richer sound from the drum.
Not to be confused with anal felitio.

"Why was that drummer the best?"
"Simple; he used rimming the others didn't."

by McSkyfire April 8, 2009

144๐Ÿ‘ 121๐Ÿ‘Ž


Disgusting to give, refreshing to receive. This act of cleaning/pleasure involves parting the buttocks of your partner and inserting your tongue into the anus. You then proceed to lick in a circular motion thus 'rimming' the anus with the tongue. Most rimmers choose to freestyle.

This act is not recommended for the feint hearted, squeamish, after eating a spicy meal or beans.

It is customary to wash the anus before rimming.

'honey, what are your thoughts on rimming?'

'you ever been rimmed before, bro?'

'I'll rim you if you buy me that sweater.'

by Rocky Balboa 2K10 April 11, 2010

147๐Ÿ‘ 134๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of playing Skyrim

Dude, were you on Elder Scrolls V last nite?

"Yeah, I was Rimming all night"


by Al Pachinko November 30, 2011

407๐Ÿ‘ 393๐Ÿ‘Ž